
Showing posts from August, 2014

ALL to Him I Owe: A Lookback on My Time at Summit Ministries

Summit Ministries is a Christian worldview conference, 12 days, 72 hours of World Class Lectures from a Christian point-of-view on many topics from the economy, to Islam, to same sex marriage to abortion. It's all packed into two very short, very exciting weeks.I heard about Summit from my older siblings who had gone before, and I had wanted to go for years. I knew a lot about what would happen and the structure of the conference, what I did not realize was the incredible impact it would have on my life. On the first night, Trent, my small group leader, asked what I hoped to get out of my time at Summit. I said that I was looking for a time of Spiritual refreshing and recharging since I had felt that my faith had grown somewhat stagnant; I had no idea how it would end up happening. Summit CO Session 6, 2014 - Highlight Film Ideas Have... : " The most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones being argued, but the ones that are assumed. " - C.S. Lewis We...