Walking in the Spirit
Walking in the Spirit, what does it mean and how can we do it? Well it does not mean walking in a literal sense, it is a walking of your heart with God in solitude, or as Genesis says, “…in the cool of the day…” and even when the world around you gets hectic, you can still be walking with God. The world cannot always be quiet. We need to be always praying and asking God for guidance in the slightest and most drastic areas in life, whether it’s deciding what shirt to wear or whether it’s deciding what you’re going to do to cut energy costs. Walking with God means looking to him for ALL of your needs, even if they’re not very big ones. It matters to God to have his Children talking to him about anything and everything. R. Kent Hughes used this analogy in his book ‘Disciplines of a Godly Man’ That Prayer is like a boat. We do not pull God’s will in our lives to what we want, just as a boat does not pull the shore to itself. Rather, we need to align our will with that of the Father’s, as a boat aligns itself with the shore and/or dock.
Pleasing the flesh is not as I said before a literal implication. No, it means having sinful desires. But it’s not just having those desires it’s trying to fulfill those desires. Sinful desires start within our mind, whether conscious or involuntary, the desire is always there. As the desire grows and grows, it develops into a sinful thought, and if this thought is allowed to grow and continually churn inside our minds it will become a sinful deed.
Galatians 5:25 “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” So, as these desires begin to grow it will take the work of the Spirit to diminish, overpower, and conquer that desire. Walking in the Spirit is being so consumed in thought and action that there is no room for those sinful desires. Every single thought is not to be given time to grow or flourish 2nd Corinthians 10:5 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” But we realize that, as we try to think about God more and those desires less, it remains hard to focus because those sinful thoughts are still creeping into our minds. What’s more, they become harder to take into captivity.
We are human, we cannot control the sinful nature. But our hope is this: Jesus Christ, came to earth and lived a sinless life. He died on a most brutal death, on a cross and, bearing our sins was buried. On the third day, he returned to life, leaving sin, broken and powerless. Not only that, but He also abolished death, leaving death feeble and defenseless. This is the hope that we have. That while we can do nothing about our sinful nature, there is one who is willing and able to crush it and eliminate the sin in our lives.
We cannot concentrate on God in our sinful nature; we must allow Him to be our strength, and to be our “sin exterminator.” That is how God wants us; he wants us to be fully dependent upon him and to be resting in his arms of protection and love. So now you can walk with God and receive his favor or please the flesh and receive his brokenhearted wrath.
If you want to contact me directly, the address I use for this blog is: givmejesus@gmail.com
If you want to contact me directly, the address I use for this blog is: givmejesus@gmail.com
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