
Showing posts from 2013

Selflessness in a World of Singularity

      It is no secret that our culture focuses on the individual, the me. Society encourages an egotistical approach to life. We are expected to view ourselves as the only individuals who are of any real value. Other people are really only a means to whatever end we view as the most beneficial to us at any given moment. We pass up opportunities to help people simply because it is not convenient, or it does not seem to present any immediate reward for us. Friends, this should not be so!        The church is called to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out, helping, supporting, caring for and loving others. All too often, however, we fall into the trap of singularity. We know that we are supposed to help them, but the feeling of individuality within us often convinces us that it is not worth our time or effort to help. What is worse, we have even, in some ways, conditioned our minds to not even notice the needs of tho...

I'm Broken, I'm Fed Up and I'm Done with Mediocrity

Last week, I had a very eye opening experience. For my whole life, I  have been taught about what it means to be a christian. I have taken the worldview classes and I have gone to the apologetics seminars, but it was tonight, in the futility of my mind, and the blank that I drew that brought me to a very real conclusion. My College Ethics class was discussing the topic of absolute versus relative truth or morality. In a class of twenty or more students, I was the only one who believed that there was an absolute standard of truth, morality and ethical beliefs. The professor did not seem convinced that I could really be a full-blown absolutist. He proceeded to present a scenario that he clearly thought would stump me. However, thanks to previous study and the exact same scenario being presented to me in an online debate. He thought he had put me in a no win scenario, but I broke it and forced him to concede. he said, "Well Tim, you are indeed an absolutist. I can simply encourag...