
Showing posts from September, 2011

Walking in the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit, what does it mean and how can we do it? Well it does not mean walking in a literal sense, it is a walking of your heart with God in solitude, or as Genesis says, “…in the cool of the day…” and even when the world around you gets hectic, you can still be walking with God. The world cannot always be quiet. We need to be always praying and asking God for guidance in the slightest and most drastic areas in life, whether it’s deciding what shirt to wear or whether it’s deciding what you’re going to do to cut energy costs. Walking with God means looking to him for ALL of your needs, even if they’re not very big ones. It matters to God to have his Children talking to him about anything and everything. R. Kent Hughes used this analogy in his book ‘Disciplines of a Godly Man’ That Prayer is like a boat. We do not pull God’s will in our lives to what we want, just as a boat does not pull the shore to itself. Rather, we need to align our will with that of the Father’s, as ...

Being a Magnifying Glass in a Nearsighted World

                We live in a nearsighted world. Meaning, in our human nature we only see and care about what is right in front of us. The believers need to be up front and show God to this world.                 The world has its ideas that it tries to get people to focus on. It can be any form of anything, food & drink, sports, arts & media, people, relationships, social networking.  Those things aren’t necessarily bad, but they’re used by the world to distract us from what we need to focus on.                 The biggest problem with these distractions is that they make us focus on us, not on God or others like we should. The world tells us to look inward at what we want. But God is telling us to look to Him for sustenance in our lives.        ...